TPE #74: 29 books to become a world-class marketer
Jan 01, 2024Read time: 3 minutes
Yoooo, Miles here!
First of all: happy new year!!
I hope you had an awesome time with your loved ones.
My girlfriend and I just moved into our new house. We had a lot of stuff stored at her and my parents, including a few boxes full of personal developments, business, and marketing books.
Recently I shared a few of my favorites on LinkedIn:
This stack of books is only the tip of the iceberg.
In today’s issue of The PPC Edge, I’ll share my 29 favorites that can make you a world-class marketer (and have the potential to change your life).
These books have been absolute game changers for me and I think you will love them all.
I won’t just list out all 29 books. I categorized them into 5 sections:
- Becoming a Better Marketer
- Building a Life With Intention
- Performing at the Highest Level
- Becoming a Productivity Machine
- Becoming the Best Version of Yourself
- Becoming a Better Google Ads Specialist
Treat this newsletter like a virtual bookshelf with the bestsellers in a store.
Order one (or a few) today, and start devouring them as soon as they hit your mailbox.
Let’s dive in, shall we?!
Wait, before we dive in, here’s a photo of me reading “Designing Your Life” which I included below:
Fresh out of college, my girlfriend took this photo when we were traveling around South-East Asia in 2017 (nearly 7 years ago, damn).
Long before PPC Mastery…
Heck, I wasn’t even into online marketing or Google Ads back then.
But I knew what type of life I wanted to live… I just didn’t know how to get there yet.
Fast forward 7 years: I never imagined I’d be where I am today. And it’s all because of the books in this newsletter.
So don’t take these recommendations lightly. They can truly change your life — as they have mine.
Section 1: Becoming a Better Marketer
Let’s kick off the list with books that helped me become a better marketer. I’m convinced they will help you too.
1: DotCom Secrets by Russell Brunson
This book opened my eyes by introducing me to sales funnels. It’s had a major impact on how I help my clients and serves as one of the blueprints for PPC Mastery’s marketing frameworks.
2: Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson
What a book! Russell’s second book in his “Secrets” series: Expert Secrets is THE blueprint for how I build and serve our community of Google Ads Specialists.
3: $100M Offers by Alex Hormozi
Hormozi is the goat of business education and this book is a must-read for every marketer: it’ll help you improve your offers. And even if you don’t have your own products, this book will help you improve your client’s offers. A must read!
4: The Linchpin by Russell Brunson
Another epic book by Russell Brunson. This simple framework has helped me redefine how we operate at PPC Mastery. It serves as the blueprint for building a business with monthly recurring revenue. Wonderful book!
5: How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Such a classic, this one! This book has helped me become a better communicator, but more importantly, a better listener. Another must read!
6: Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited by Steve Krug
I picked up this book years ago when I wanted to learn more about CRO. It really opened my eyes on how important it is to make it extremely easy for people to take the action you want them to take. As the title says: don’t make them think.
7: Influence, the Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini
Most people have read this classic, but if you haven’t — order it now. This timeless masterpiece will 100% make you a better marketer, communicator, and persuader.
Section 2: Building a Life With Intention
I’m extremely passionate about this section. Because of these books, I am where I am today. Intentionally designing your life is the best thing in the world. Let’s dive in.
8: The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss
This is the first non-fiction book I read in my life, and maaan what a gamechanger it turned out to be. The goal is not to work 4 hours per week and drink pina coladas at the beach. The goal is to do something you love SO MUCH, that it doesn’t feel like work. What a book.
9: Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett & Dave Evans
My dad gifted me this book. Before I read it, I had no idea what “Life Design” was. Thanks to this book, I always think a few steps ahead and ask myself: “what type of life do I want to live?”. And then reverse engineer the actions I need to take to actually get there.
10: Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt
This book helped me be strategic in how I set goals, making sure every year is the best year of my life!
11: The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz
This book helped me think and dream big, something that’s not always appreciated or common in The Netherlands. But I’m half American so I’ve never had issues dreaming or thinking big. Dare to dream big, dare to live a big life!
12: Ikigai, the Japanese Secrets to a Long and Happy Life by Héctor Garcia
I consider this a must-read for everyone. This book helped me think about how I can serve others, do what makes me happy, and make money at the same time.
13: The Law of Attraction by Esther and Jerry Hicks
Some people might be turned off by the title, but it’s a fantastic book with principles that I’ve put into practice ever since I read it. If you dream big, and take big, consistent actions — you can achieve anything you want!
Section 3: Performing at the Highest Level
The following books will help you perform at the highest level possible.
14: High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard
One of my favorite books of all time. This book taught me what it takes to perform at the highest level. Key takeaway: focus on your energy (food, sleep, diet, workouts, social activities) first and foremost!
15: The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod
This book opened my eyes on how important it is to make the most out of your morning (even if you’re not a morning person). Key takeaway: do something for yourself before you become reactive to the demands of others.
16: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Another classic! Key takeaway: be proactive instead of reactive. This helped me make the most out of my time at my former agency job.
17: Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin
This book has helped me take, well, extreme ownership of my life. I consider everything that happens to me to be my fault, and therefore mine to fix. By taking extreme ownership, you are no longer a victim and can start living life to its full potential.
Section 4: Becoming a Productivity Machine
The following books will help you become a productivity machine!
18: Your Next Five Moves by Patrick Bet David
Thanks to this book, I always think a few steps ahead (instead of only reacting to what’s in front of me).
19: Focus Aan/Uit by Mark Tigchelaar
One of the only Dutch books I’ve read and recommend. With proper focus, you get so much more done in a day. Recommended read for all my Dutchies :).
20: The Power of No by James Altucher and Claudia Azula Altucher
When I was in college, I always said yes to everything, even when I didn't want to. This book gave me the tools I needed to say no more often — and listen to what I really want. By saying no to others, you say yes to yourself. That’s how I get done a lot in a short time.
21: Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy
Doing the most important tasks first thing in the morning gives you a great sense of accomplishment (and helps you get rid of procrastination forever).
22: The One Thing by Gary Keller
I used to be a proud multitasker. This book taught me that I should only be doing 1 thing at a time, which has increased my focus and output like nothing else.
23: Deep Work by Cal Newport
This book gave me the framework I needed to get more done in less time by using blocks of “deep work” time.
Section 5: Becoming the Best Version of Yourself
These books will inspire you to step up your game and become the best, upgraded version of yourself!
24: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
The title might put some people off, but the content is extremely valuable (especially when you consider how old the book is). It was on the first personal development books I read and opened my eyes to how much we are capable of as humans. Never settle for a life you don’t want to live!
25: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma
This fiction book is full of golden nuggets. It’s a story that inspired me to live life with more intention, joy, and do something I truly enjoy.
26: The 5AM Club by Robin Sharma
Another inspiring fiction book by Robin Sharma with many lessons. Waking up at 5AM is not for me, but I do apply the principles of the book: win the morning, win the day!
Section 6: Becoming a Better Google Ads Specialist
And lastly, these books will help you become a better Google Ads Specialist.
27: Digital Marketing in an AI World by Frederick Vallaeys
This is my favorite book in the PPC space. It helped me not only adapt to but thrive in the age of automation. A must-read for every Google Ads Specialists!
28: Join or Die by Patrick Gilbert
A great book by Patrick Gilbert that has helped me navigate the automation revolution.
29: Stop the Scale: Building a Digital Agency You Actually Like by Kirk Williams
Kirk is a PPC legend and this book taught me how important it is the build your business around your life, not the other way around.
Over to you: here’s what to do next.
I personally vouch for all of these books, but I also understand you might get overwhelmed by this extensive list.
Just pick and order 1 (or a few) that look interesting to you, start reading, upgrade your skills, and apply your new knowledge.
All of these books will help you become a world-class marketer, and have the chance of changing your life for the better.
Best of luck, and let me know if you have any good recommendations for me.
I’m always looking for new ways to invest in myself and take my skills to the next level.
Thanks for reading — have a fantastic year.
I hope all your dreams come true in 2024!
All the best,
Miles (and Bob)